Sales Transformation Group



Every construction company needs comprehensive contractor coaching to ensure a positive, productive team environment!

Success in the commercial construction industry will largely depend upon contractors landing the best candidates available to them for a whole variety of full-time and subcontractor positions, but it’s also the responsibility of general contractors to keep their team members motivated and continuously inspired to ensure long-term company growth. 

Whether you’re generally working in an office or on construction sites, good leadership is absolutely key. One of the main focuses of Sales Transformation Group (STG) is contractor coaching, which entails construction leadership courses that support the efforts of every construction team. Below are some of our useful tips that you should keep in mind when it comes to establishing top-notch construction leadership skills! 

1. Establishing & Maintaining Tangible Goals 

It’s your job as a general contractor to establish challenging, yet achievable goals for your entire team and individual employees. These types of business goals should clearly have beginning stages and ending points that are closely aligned with your organization or project’s overall mission. 

One good tip to keep in mind when it comes to maintaining your team’s goals is to reward your most dedicated employees with bonuses, weekend trips, gift cards, “employee of the month” accolades, and other sorts of recognition that keep your team genuinely wanting to do more and healthily compete with each other. 

2. Contractors Aren’t Micromanagers

This should generally be pretty obvious for most contractors because no one likes to be micromanaged; however, it’s safe to say that micromanaging can sometimes be a difficult habit for a lot of people to break! 

What’s great about letting go a little bit and actively trying to not micromanage is that you’ll likely realize that your team works better and is more productive when you eliminate this type of peskiness from your leadership strategies. Providing autonomy and space for your employees and subcontractors will help them to be more confident, productive and motivated on a daily basis. 

A LOT of micromanagers end up seeing high turnover rates, and eliminating these types of habits is sometimes a necessary step for general contractors to improve their team and business. 

3. Be a Team Player 

General contractors should prove to their team members that they can roll up their sleeves and get some tough work done, as opposed to essentially barking out orders and waiting for tasks to be completed. Your employees will always be much more inspired by you as a leader when you embrace a hands-on approach and get your hands dirty on a daily basis. 

Being a true team player with your construction team will go a very long way when it comes to developing an emotional connection with your employees, and this is the foundation of a cohesive, successful construction business. 

4. Always Be Positive 

It’s no secret that construction work environments can be tough, which is why general contractors need to take it on their own to develop a positive, optimistic outlook each day. It’s part of your job as a contractor to encourage your team members to excel as much as possible within their respective roles, and you can do this by promoting all sorts of different favorable outcomes. 

Positive feedback and encouragement are vital tools when it comes to inspiring your team, and these communication strategies are a big part of what you’ll learn in our contractor coaching programs! 

5. Keep The Big Picture In Mind 

You should have a mental vision of your construction team and how well they work together each day, and clearly conveying this type of dream to your team will help them better understand their role in fostering a successful company. It’s your job to ensure that everyone is on the same page and fully understands what their unified goals are. 

The best construction teams have a “buy in” mentality, and it’s the responsibility of general contractors to provide their employees with underlying purposes for each project that help maintain motivation. 

Reach Out To Sales Transformation Group To Learn More About Our Contractor Coaching Programs! 

Sales Transformation Group has supported hundreds of different general contractors when it comes to solving problems like unpredictable revenue streams and thinning profit margins through our contractor coaching programs that improve your company from the inside out. We’ll help you develop a strong core for your construction business, and that starts with developing a strong core within you.

Contact us online to set up a 15-minute discovery call appointment with our team today to learn more about how we can support you with our contractor coaching services!  

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