With home ownership on the rise all across North America, the demand for more skilled trades workers such as roofers, plumbers, electricians, etc… will see their respective fields become far more competitive when searching for new contracts. For this blog, we will be focusing on the highly skilled, and highly competitive discipline of roofing professionals and how you can level up your sales in 2023.
1) Talk about what differentiates your roofing company from the rest
In a market that is ever-evolving and becoming more competitive by the season, it is important for your company to have a unique selling proposition that differentiates you from the rest. Whether it be through your roofing pricing options, your communication efforts, customer service, price, or more, one of the most effective ways to better your roofing sales is to highlight what makes your company the best choice for them.
2) Utilize tools such as roofing apps, videos, info-graphics etc… to your advantage
Providing homeowners with on the spot examples of what you and your services can provide them can come a long way when assessing their options. Utilizing apps, or having a place with a catalog of your work/products can both increase the efficiency of your consultation whilst leaving a strong, and organized impression with the customer.
3) Listen to client needs, and do lots of follow ups/check ins
If you want to close more deals and get more roofing jobs, it is vital that you listen to the homeowner. It is important to listen and note their concerns and worries. By listening attentively, it will help your customer feel more reassured that you care about this job, and it will also help you come up with a proper roofing plan.
4) Offer a variety of product options to cater to their financial needs
When offering a homeowner your services it is important to remember that people enjoy having options. Depending on the job and the customer, the most expensive option may not always be the best. Allowing the customer to have an input on the material can both help them understand what it is that they are purchasing and can also leave them satisfied in knowing what they are getting.
5) Focus on educating, not just closing
As a contractor or a trades business, it is easy to become focused on getting as many pens to paper as possible. But what many companies forget is that the customer rarely knows what their roofing issue may be. The most common difficulty when working with a homeowner is assuring them that you can provide them what they are looking for. By focusing less on closing, and more on educating your customer, you can build up a higher level of trust with your client. This level of trust can alleviate levels of restraint or nervousness when you are offering your services, and can often lead to positive referrals down the road!
6) Display referrals/testimonials
Having a good source of referrals or testimonials can be what gets your business sales levels booming. The best form of marketing is through referrals both in writing, or especially through word of mouth. Use these 6 tips when looking to raise your sales levels, and the positive referrals will start to pour in.